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4 Tips to Help Your Child Have a Good Dental Visit

1. Talk the Talk

Discussion is a huge part of preparing your child for a successful dental visit. At any age, you want to talk about why you brush and floss your teeth. (Something as simple as: “We brush and floss to get rid of sugar bugs.” Is a good place to start.) You also want to discuss what happens at a dentist and why it is so fun! Even if it isn’t your favorite place to be, creating a positive image for your child will help him or her.

2. Parent First, Child Second

At around 2 ½ to 3, we feel is the best time for a first visit. Younger than that, we are not able to do a whole lot and older than that teeth may have larger problems, that could’ve been avoided. However, if at any time you see a concern, please contact us.) We find it helpful if Mom or Dad schedules their dental cleaning appointment first and the child goes right after. We like to involve the children with Mom or Dad’s visit. They sit close to Mom, are able to see into her mouth, help find sugar bugs and even use the magic straw to catch water in Mom’s mouth. If they see how much fun Mom and Dad are having getting their teeth cleaned, typically they have fun too!

3. Bye Mom and Dad, I’m Brave

Part of having successful dental visits, depends on the relationship we are building with your child. We want to get to know your child! After a time or two of having a parent back with them, we have found that when children come back on their own, the appointment goes better, more treatment is accomplished and the relationship between the child and the dental professional is established. This not only empowers your child, but also fosters responsibility on the child’s part to take care of their own teeth.

4. Consistency

Make dental visits a priority. When your child is familiar with going to the dental office, they will know what to expect and soon it will be no big deal and they will look forward to getting a new tooth brush and picking out a prize. And we look forward to not only caring for your child’s teeth, but also finding out about how their t-ball game went, what instrument they’re playing in school and how their drivers test went.

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